Teddy Bear Day SMS | Teddy Day | Teddy Bear Day 10 February SMS
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Teddy Bear Day is celebrated on 10th February every year as a part of Valentine Week and celebrated as the Teddy Bear day by the love birds and teddy bear is gifted by the boyfriends to their girlfrinds. Teddy Bear is liked by the Girls and they consider Teddy bear as one of their best friend as girls consider the Diamond as their best friend
and sending their scraps to their counterparts love sms / love scraps / teddy bear scraps by orkut or facebook, Indian are sending e greeting cards, teddy bear gifts, valentine week messages etc to their dearest.
Here are some good Chocolate Day SMS, that you can use for Teddy Bear Day.
If u r a chocolate u r the sweetest,
if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable,
and since u r my FRIEND, u r the BEST
( . o . )
Happy Teddy Bear Day’
A Cute Teddy Bear,
To My Cute Friend,
On A Cute Occasions,
Just To Say,
Happy Teddy Bear Day’
‘Even If The Sun Refused To Shine
Even If Romance Ran Out Of Rhyme
You Would Still Have My Heart Until
The End Of TimeYou’re All
( ‘ o ‘ )
I Need, My Love
Happy Teddy Bear Day’
Teddy bear day…
i love my teddy.
Happy teddy bear day
You are my sweetest teddy bear…
Happy teddy bear day.