NTPC | NTPC FPO Price Band | NTPC FPO Price | NTPC FPO | FPO News | NTPC FPO Floor Price
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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State-owned power producer NTPC will hit the markets with its follow-on public offer (FPO) on 3rd February 2010. The price band is yet to be declared but market men estimate it to be in the range of Rs 220-230 per share.
National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) is the largest power generating company in India with a nationwide presence.
Earlier, NTPC had come up with an IPO between October 7, 2004 and October 14, 2004.
NTPC IPO, in 2004, had received good response from both the Retail and the Institutional Investors
. NTPC IPO was subscribed by around 24 times on an overall basis. Retail Category had also received good response with the Category getting subscribed about 4 times.
