Delhi Police Recruitment 2010 | Delhi Police Result 2010 | Delhi Police | Delhi Police Recruitment

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Delhi Police Recruitment 2010 | Delhi Police Result 2010 | Delhi Police | Delhi Police Recruitment | Delhi Police Constable Result 2010 | Delhi Police Recruitment 2010 for 499 Constables & 20 ASI(Asstt. Sub-Inspector)
Delhi Police Recruitment 2010: Delhi Police will publish advertisement in employment new paper on 24/04/2010 the Delhi Police has recruitment for Asstt. Sub-Inspector (ASI) (Stenographer), Head Constable (Ministerial) and Constable (Driver) in Delhi Police – 2010. We have all details related to Delhi Police Recruitment Vacancies 2010. Candidates who are interested in above said Delhi Police Recruitment 2010 may submit their application form before the last date:
Delhi Police Recruitment 2010
Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Stenographer)
Total posts: 20 posts [English - 18(UR-5, SC-4, ST-3, OBC-6), Hindi -2 (ST-2)]
Head Constable (Ministerial)
Total posts: 499 (SC-66, ST-36, OBC-142, UR-265)
Qualification : 12th pass or equivalent, Speed in English Typing-30 wpm, OR Speed in Hindi Typing – 25 WPM, Physical Standard : 165 height male, 157 cm female, Chest : 78-82 cms. male
Application Fee : Rs.100/- in the form of Bank DD/ Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Delhi. No fee from SC/ST/Ex-SM candidates.
Submission of Application form:
Candidates who are interested in above said Delhi Police Recruitment 2010 may submit their application form in the prescribed format alongwith the requisite fee to the following address:
Post Box No. 8020, Delhi 110033 before the last date: 14/05/2010.
More Information: For complete information like qualification, experience, age relaxation, how to apply, selection procedure, results and application format related to Delhi Police Recruitment Vacancies 2010, advertisement for above said posts will be published in the Employment News date 24/04/2010 or is available at or at