Google earth santa tracker 2009 | Norad Santa Tracker 2009 on Twitter and Google Earth

Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Today is Christmas Eve 2009, which means that Santa has a long day ahead of him. For all those children who wish to know where he is, then there are a number of choices that you can choose. The first is the Norad Santa tracker, the second is Twitter and the third is Google Earth.
The other two still need to get information from NORAD, but Twitter will see Tweets updated from those who have already been visited by Father Christmas. While on Twitter, you will be able to join in the ongoing discussions.
We often wonder how Santa can deliver all those presents in one day; if you visit Google Earth you will find out how. The guy in the red suit can certainly move when he has too. We wonder why the U.S. Postal Service does no employ him.
Visit Santa Tracker here, or watch him on his journey with Google Earth. Why not join in a Santa discussion over on Twitter.