Lunar Eclipse | Moon Eclipse | Chandra Grahan | Lunar Eclipse December 2009

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Lunar Eclipse | Moon Eclipse | Chandra Grahan | Lunar Eclipse December 2009 | Moon Eclipse December 2009 | Chandra Grahan December 2009 | Lunar Eclipse December 2009 in India | Moon Eclipse December 2009 in India | Chandra Grahan December 2009 in India | Chandragrahan – Lunar Eclipse | Lunar Eclipse December 2009 Timing in India | Moon Eclipse December 2009 Timing in India | Chandra Grahan December 2009 Timing in India
A Partial Lunar Eclipse will occur on 31st December 2009 and will end during the early hours of 1st January 2010.
According to NASA, a partial lunar eclipse will be visible in India, Nepal, Dubai, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and other places in Asia (eastern hemisphere). The eclipse will not visible in United States and Canada.
Lunar Eclipse India Timing :
Lunar Eclipse will take place on 31st December 2009 at around 10.47 PM and will end at 02.58 am on 1st January 2010.
Lunar Eclipse GMT Timing :
Lunar Eclipse will take place from 17:17:07 GMT to 21:28:15 GMT.