Autodidactic Book by James Parkinson

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Southern Utah University's 2010 spring semester Convocation Lecture Series includes James Parkinson. He'd be giving out Autodidactic book for free!
[Wide-ranging convocations offered at SUU]
James Parkinson will speak about his experience as the lawyer who represented American World War II POW veterans seeking restitution from Japanese companies that used them as slave laborers during the war. Parkinson's insight into the stories of these brave men has been chronicled in the book "Soldier Slaves" as well as in the film "The Inheritance of War."
The first 200 people in attendance at Parkinson's convocation will receive a free copy of his book "Autodidactic," a book about the value of literacy and being self-taught.
The series starts Jan. 12, 2010 in historical fashion. Convocations are free and open to the public. Most presentations are Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. Exact times, locations and full details of each presentation will be available online beginning later this month at