Four UA students have started an amazing and somewhat strange sort of business anyone has never heard off. They have made a web site to share the class notes and to help other students. Two of them represented their company named NoteHall in the ABC show “Shark Tank”.
“Shark Tank,” is going to present new businesspeople and their ideas in front of most successful businesspeople, they are going to analyze their business strategy and business future, this panel of businesspeople then lavish these new businesspeople with their golden advice to enhance their business. This show is just like to “Dragons’ Den,” a sort of show that is presented in Britain and other countries.
Conway, one of the owners of this substantial website, described that this side is actually an “eBay for lecture notes.” NoteHall pay those students, with notes to upload, whereas other students who need these notes have to pay to view those notes, lectures and guides.
The team members of NoteHall decided and applied to participate in the “Shark Tank”. After receiving an e-mail, the producer requested the team to send him a video of them and after formal procedure; they are selected for the show. They decided to start and launched the web site in October 2008.
This excellent service is now existing and available at least at 14 universities and has thousands of users across the country and about one-third of UA students are using NoteHall. Now there is no need to take tuitions and to ask anybody for help and guidance, NoteHall can be the best companion for you if you are a student and missed few lectures or forgot to make note.