John Mayer Twitter

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Image of John Mayer from Twitter

Image of John Mayer

People who say they are friends of the actress told Star magazine that ended the matter after discovering Mayer, 31, spent hours on the networking website.

The couple began dating in April 2008, but have broken several times. But they seemed inseparable at the Oscars last month.
A source said Aniston Mayer decided was not sufficiently committed to their time and asked her to have found romance hourly updates on your Twitter page.

The source said: “John suddenly stopped calling or returning to their email and when he finally went to meet him, I said, ‘I’ve been so busy with work. Sorry, I have not had time to return the call. ”

The source added: “Jen was fuming. There he was, saying he had no time for your site and yet was filled with their Twitter updates.

“Every few hours, sometimes minutes, which was updated with some stupid line. And in her mind, she was like” He has time for all this Twittering, but I can send a text, an email, make a call ? “.”

It has also claimed the musician John made no attempt to conceal his Twitters.

The source said: “I do not even deny it. He knew he was avoiding. So when I called him and ended things, you just say OK, and he regretted that it did not work.

“He took the break as a man.”

Still, shortly after the call of Aniston, Mayer Twitter update: “The heart does not come with instructions.John Mayer Twitter


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