Are banks open on columbus day | post office holidays 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Is the Post Office Open today October 12 2009? Today is Columbus Day and Post Office locations because of the federal holiday are closed. Columbus Day is one of just a few federal holidays closing post offices and other federal institutions annually. Each year, the Federal Government issues a specific annual calender of official holidays. Write this list down - there are only a fewdates left for 2009. All federal institutions are closed on the below dates while local and state agencies can elect to stay open, close, or open for a partial day.Many countries in the New World and elsewhere celebrate the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas, whichoccurred on October 12, 1492 in the Julian calendar and October 21, 1492 in the modern Gregorian calendar, as an official holiday. On the Columbus Day, many offices will be closed, state office and federal are closed, but the city offices are open. Also the Post Office is closed to. Columbus was NOT Italian. Despite what Italian Americans believe when they adopted Columbus Day as an expression of their own cultural pride, Columbus had little to do with Italy. Instead, there is evidence that Columbus was, in essence, a Spanish Jew by origin and his family had only recently settled in Italy, escaping Spanish anti-Jewish violence.

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