Youngistan Ranbir’s Game

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‘Youngsters + Hindustan = Youngistan’ and who else fits the bill than Mr. Ranbir Kapoor, the ‘youth-throb’ of India. Find out what he’s game for now!
Ranbir Kapoor, the current endorser of Pepsi’s new mantra – Youngistan, will now play in Pepsi’s new marketing strategy. Along with the Game Master, Sanjay Dutt!
Yes, we will all see Sanjay in a new avatar as The Game Master, in a totally hyper costume and a wily get-up. Sanjay and Ranbir will face each other in a ‘Game’ that is supposedly interesting and mind challenging.
About the concept: ‘The Game’ is set in a fantasy world with all the action taking place in a castle owned by the Game Master. Sanjay challenges Ranbir to get his Pepsi from his lair after solving mind boggling challenges.
‘The Game’ would be played over five ads and audience can participate in it by helping Ranbir win the challenge through SMS, which in return will bring back prize money of Rs.5,000,000 to a consistent performer.